Aggressive Criminal Defense Attorneys Serving Clients in Greenville and Throughout Hunt County

Facing criminal charges in Texas is serious, regardless of the nature of the allegations or where you were arrested. However, Hunt County is known for being particularly tough on those charged with crimes. From overzealous police to aggressive prosecutors to heavy-handed judges, if you have criminal charges in Hunt County, you need to ensure your interests are protected. At the law firm of Guest and Gray, our Hunt County criminal defense lawyers proudly represent clients charged with all types of crimes in Greenville and the surrounding cities.

About Hunt County

Hunt County is located in northeast Texas, about 60 miles from Dallas. As of the 2020 census, there were nearly 100,000 residents in Hunt County, making it the 41st most populated county in Texas. The county seat of Hunt County is Greenville, TX.

The Hunt County Court System

In Texas, there are three levels of courts: the trial court, the intermediate appellate court, and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. All criminal trials are heard at the trial court level. Texas further divides trial courts into municipal courts, district courts, and justice of the peace courts. Where your case is heard will depend on the seriousness of the crimes you face.

Hunt County has two district courts. The Hunt County district courts hear all felony cases arising in Hunt County, such as murder and robbery cases.

196th District Court
2507 Lee Street, 3rd Floor
Greenville, TX 75401

The 196th District Court is overseen by Judge Andrew Bench.

354th District Court
2507 Lee Street, 3rd Floor
Greenville, TX 75401

The 354th District Court is overseen by Judge Keli Aiken.

There are also several municipal courts in Hunt County, including in:

  • Caddo Mills
  • Celeste
  • Commerce
  • Greenville
  • Lone Oak
  • Quinlan
  • West Tawakoni
  • Wolfe City
  • Hawk Cove

Hunt County Prosecutors

The prosecutor’s job is to bring criminal cases on behalf of the government. The Hunt County prosecutor is Noble D. Walker. The local district attorney’s office is also staffed by the First Assistant District Attorney and a team of four Assistant District Attorneys.

Hunt County prosecutors bring a wide range of felony and misdemeanor cases. While the office has the authority to bring all types of criminal charges, the following are the most commonly prosecuted crimes in Hunt County:

  • Theft crimes
  • Robbery
  • Domestic violence allegations
  • Theft offenses
  • Drug crimes
  • Rape and other sex crimes
  • Assault
  • Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)

The Importance of Working with a Local Defense Attorney

The Texas Penal Code applies in all Texas counties; however, the way these laws are interpreted varies between counties. Every judge has their own way of reading the law. Some are more open to certain types of defenses. Thus, if you face Hunt County criminal charges, it is imperative that you find a defense attorney who understands the local court system.

The Hunt County criminal defense attorneys at Guest and Gray regularly handle cases against the same prosecutors, in front of the same judges, day after day. This gives our lawyers critical insight into how prosecutors try to prove their cases and how to effectively negotiate favorable outcomes for their clients. Additionally, our local defense attorneys can better cater defenses to appeal to the judge who will be hearing your case. The last thing you want is for your attorney to be seen as an “outsider” the moment they walk into the courtroom.

Arrested in Hunt County? Reach Out to the Experienced Criminal Defense Attorneys at Guest and Gray

If you are arrested in Hunt County, you need a team of experienced and aggressive criminal defense lawyers. Guest and Gray Law Firm offers free consultations for all Hunt County misdemeanor and felony cases. If you are arrested, charged, or indicted in Hunt County, call us today to discuss your case and how we can help. You can reach Guest and Gray’s Hunt County criminal defense lawyers at (972) 564-4644 or through our online contact form.

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