Why You Need a Lawyer After a Truck or Car Accident?
If you live in the Rockwall and Forney area and were recently in an accident with a passenger vehicle, big rig, eighteen wheeler, semi truck, tractor-trailer, or other large commercial truck, you have some decisions to make that will greatly affect your future. One of the most important decisions is whether or not you should hire your own independent legal representation. When you are in an accident and it isn’t your fault, Texas law allows you to seek compensation for your property damage, medical bills, pain and suffering, and more. Hiring an experienced truck wreck lawyer is the last thing that a trucking company or insurance company wants you to do after a truck accident. These big businesses know that they will not be able to avoid responsibility for your injuries and will have to pay you a fair amount. Guest and Gray Law Firm can help you with your Rockwall or Forney area truck accident and force the people who hurt you to pay you what you are owed.
Avoid Being Pressured
One tactic used by insurance companies is to call within a day or two of the wreck to offer you a settlement. Why should you make the effort to hire an attorney to represent you in your car or truck accident case when you already have what seems like a quick settlement? Just remember that the goal of insurance company and trucking company representatives is to pay you the smallest amount they can get away with. These high pressure settlements typically are for a small amount, just pennies on the dollar compared to the real amount of harm you have suffered. The representative has been trained to get you to sign away your rights when you are stressed from the sudden bills and maybe even in pain from your injuries. They might put a time limit on the offer, which is an attempt to keep you from consulting with trusted friends, family members, or truck accident attorneys. Don’t be manipulated into taking less than you are really owed. Contact Guest and Gray Law Firm for your Forney or Rockwall truck accident.
Don’t Give Up Your Rights:
If you rush into a settlement, you are giving up your right to sue for your injuries. This might end up costing you more in the long run when what seems like “minor” injuries lead to long-term medical problems. When you are injured, don’t get hurt again by accepting less than the full value of your case. A common strategy that Rockwall and Forney truck companies use is suggesting that your case is not very good. The “friendly” person on the phone then offers what they claim is a fair and generous settlement. But keep in mind that businesses exist to make money—they don’t care if you get hurt because the settlement isn’t enough to pay your medical bills, property damage, and other expenses. Don’t rush into a settlement without calling the Guest and Gray Law Firm truck accident team. We will assess your Rockwall or Forney area truck accident.