Analyzing Vehicle Crash Statistics in Kaufman County

Truck and car wrecks happen in Kaufman County almost daily. In 2012, the Texas Department of Transportation reported 1,393 vehicle crashes in Kaufman County. Of these, 27% resulted in fatalities or serious injuries. Many of the crashes involved injuries to multiple people in the same vehicle.

Rural highways and farm-to-market roads saw most of the fatal car accidents. This could be due to higher speed limits and distant emergency medical care. Many accidents involved drivers exceeding the speed limits or under the influence of alcohol. Commercial Motor Vehicle accidents were less common, with only 68 reported in 2012. These accounted for less than 5% of total accidents and were less likely to result in serious injuries or death.

Because Kaufman County is located within the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex area, many residents commute to work in the DFW metroplex by traveling along US-80, US-175, or I-20. These roads are conduits from the three largest cities in the county: Terrell, Forney, and Kaufman. Over a third of Kaufman County’s population lives in these cities, leading to busier roads. Nearly half of the 2012 traffic accidents in Kaufman County occurred in and around these three cities. Drivers commuting to the DFW metroplex from Terrell, Forney, or Kaufman via US 80, I-20, or US-175 are particularly at risk.

Contact a Accident Attorney in Kaufman County

If you have been injured in a vehicle accident, we’re here to help. Guest and Gray Law Firm is the largest law firm in Kaufman County and we have two convenient locations. Our main office is in downtown Forney, TX, where we have been since 1967. We’re also proud to be part of the community at our second office in Plano, TX. If you or a loved one has been hurt by another driver, you need experienced legal help. Guest and Gray Law Firm can provide this. We’ve helped your friends and neighbors for decades. You can trust our skill to get the compensation you deserve. This is especially true when you’re hurt and it’s not your fault.  Don’t hesitate to contact us.

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