Possession of Marijuana
Location: Kaufman County
Outcome Summary: Client’s case was dismissed without probation or community supervision. Client is eligible to have all records expunged.
Felony Probation Revocation
Location: Dallas County
Outcome Summary: Client had been revoked for failing drug tests and not completing outpatient.
Details: Client hired our firm after not receiving the offer they wanted (time served) from a previous attorney. We had a hearing, and the judge gave our client a time-served deal for the minimum possible sentence.
Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Location: Kaufman County
Outcome Summary: Client was charged with shooting another person and facing a possible 20 years in prison.
Details: We got the case dismissed. The client never pled guilty and was not placed on probation.
DWI Case
Location: Kaufman County
Outcome Summary: The DWI case was reduced to obstruction of a highway.
Details: The client avoided mandatory ignition interlock and jail time.