A wooden seal stamp, gavel, and fountain pen on a document, with a soft-focus background.

What Is a Lady Bird Deed?

Lately, our firm has received a lot of questions about Lady Bird Deeds. Questions ranging from What are they? How do they work? Etc. Below is the basic breakdown of what a Lady Bird Deed is… Where Does the Name Lady Bird Come From? Contrary to popular belief, according to Gerry W. Beyer and Kerri…

Miniature house model with calculator, pen, and money jar on documents, suggesting financial planning.

I’m Named as an Executor in a Loved One’s Will. What Does that Mean?

Being named as an executor in a loved one’s will is a great honor. It means your loved one trusts you to handle their estate when they pass with responsibly and with integrity. Some people tend to confuse the executor as the main beneficiary to a person’s estate, this is not the case. While the…

Close-up of a golden balance scale with a blurred bookshelf background.

Can the Judge Remove Administrator of the Estate?

When a person passes and leaves a will, anyone that is named as a beneficiary in that will can file to have the will probated and the executor listed will be appointed administrator. If there is no will, any of the legal heirs may do so. When filing without a will, a personal representative is named by…

Lawyer with clasped hands sitting at desk with contract, gavel, and scales of justice.

Can I Leave My Child out of My Will?

In a recent consult I had with a prospective client, the issue of leaving a child out of a will came up. This person was under the impression that in Texas you could not leave an adopted child out of a will. While, this is not true, there are laws in which an adopted child…

What is the Statute of Limitations in DNA Sexual Assault Cases?

Article 12.01 of the Texas Code Of Criminal Procedure governs the maximum time parties involved have to initiate legal proceedings from the date of the offense or injury. However, article 12.01 describes several categories for offenses for which there is no limitation period. Under this provision, sexual assault has no limitations period: – “if during…

Why it’s Important to Give Your Attorney all Information Requested

Why it’s Important to Give Your Attorney all Information Requested

When you hire an attorney, you’ll often times receive a packet to fill out that requests information about you, your matter, and oftentimes your financial status. It’s important that you pay attention to this paperwork and fill it all out honestly. Here’s why: Your paperwork, at Guest & Gray it’s known as the Client Intake…

Should I Sign a Waiver of Service_

Should I Sign a Waiver of Service?

Should I Sign a Waiver of Service in My Divorce? Your spouse has filed for divorce and they have presented you with a document titled “Waiver of Service” asking that you sign it, have it notarized, and return it back to them. However, what does this document even mean? As a general rule, I would…

I Need to Modify my Original Divorce Decree for my Children

I Need to Modify my Original Divorce Decree for my Children

Are you divorced but need to modify your Final Decree of Divorce for your children? Is there a material change in circumstances, such as financial changes or possession changes? Have you or your Ex changed jobs or moved or can’t agree with the original Order signed? Then you most likely need to file a Suit…