The Importance of Witness Credibility and Consent in Texas Sexual Assault Cases

Texas criminal law has developed in a way that seek clarity and justice in protecting the rights of victims of sexual assault. Those accused of sexual assault may also face a stigma because of the type of allegations, and sexual assault cases often come down to he-said-she-said credibility issues that make it essential for jurors…

Texas Court Sides With Mother In Appeal Highlighting Procedural Hurdles In Family Law Cases

In a recent custody case before the Texas Supreme Court, the mother appealed a trial court’s decision to terminate her parental rights, asking the court to reconsider this ruling. The appellate court originally declined to issue an order on the mother’s appeal, deciding she failed to follow an important procedural step when she filed her appeal. Later,…

Mother In Texas Family Law Case Unsuccessfully Argues For Reversal Of Order Terminating Parental Rights

In a recent case before an appellate court in Texas, the mother appealed a trial court’s ruling terminating her parental rights to three children. On appeal, the mother argued that the evidence presented during trial was insufficient to find that she was unable to parent her children. The higher court reviewed the evidence, considered the mother’s argument, and ultimately…

Texas Defendant Unsuccessfully Appeals Lower Court’s Ruling on Motion to Suppress, Due in Part to Additional Offense Committed

In a November 2023 case before an appeals court in Texas, the defendant asked for a review of the trial court’s decision to deny his motion to suppress evidence. Reviewing the defendant’s appeal, the higher court ultimately disagreed with his argument and affirmed the original verdict. The court’s opinion highlights the difficulty of suppressing incriminating evidence when…

Texas Appellate Court Reverses Damages Award Under Final Divorce Decree

The process of finalizing a divorce can involve significant time and emotional energy. When the parties finally receive a divorce decree, the last thing they want is to come back to court. Unfortunately, a spouse may have to seek court enforcement of the decree if his or her former spouse does not abide by its…

Texas Appellate Court Partially Reverses Husbands Petition To Enforce Divorce Decree

Typically, divorce decrees award certain items of property to each spouse. The terms of a decree are final, but a court can enforce them after entering the decree. If one spouse fails to turn over property awarded to the other spouse, the court often must enforce the decree by requiring the spouse to transfer the…

How Prosecutors Use Expert Witnesses in Texas Criminal Cases

For some criminal prosecutions, the government will go to great lengths to influence a jury to convict a defendant. Prosecutors will often retain and call expert witnesses to testify in support of a guilty verdict. Expert testimony is not always permitted, though when experts are allowed to testify on the state’s behalf, their testimony can…

The Texas Penal Code And Statute Of Limitations

Statutes of limitations are specific laws within the Texas Penal Code that detail how long the government has to bring charges against you. Understanding how statutes of limitations work is important, especially for those who have been charged for a crime based on conduct that occurred years ago, if at all. At Guest & Gray,…

What Is Divorce Mediation In Texas And When Is It Appropriate

Divorce can be an emotionally draining and contentious process. However, it doesn’t always have to be a battleground. At the Dallas County divorce law firm of Guest & Gray, we often recommend divorce mediation as a viable alternative to traditional divorce litigation. This blog post will shed light on what divorce mediation is and when…